What is a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)?
A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is a tool used by real estate agents to help a seller determine the value of their property. The CMA compares similar properties in the area and determines what they are selling for. It gives you an idea of how much you can expect to get if you sell your home today, compared to how much similar homes have sold for recently. This information can help both buyers and sellers make better decisions about whether or not to buy or sell now, or wait until prices increase or decrease in order to make more money on their transaction.
A CMA can help determine the price at which to list a home for sale.
A CMA is an estimate of how much your home is worth based on its location and condition compared with other properties (comps) that are available for purchase in your area.
You’ll want to hire an experienced real estate professional who has access to local listing information and can give you advice about what homes have sold for in your subdivision or neighborhood — as well as those that haven’t yet sold but might be similar in size and style to yours.
A CMA is only an estimate of market value, not an appraisal.
It’s important to note that a CMA is only an estimate of market value, not an appraisal. A CMA includes many factors that influence property prices, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms; the square footage; how old the home is; its condition; and the location (such as whether it’s on a busy street or near schools). Your real estate professional can help you determine what features are most important for your family.
A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) can help you get more accurate information on what your home is worth.
A CMA is a valuable tool for home buyers and sellers. It can help you determine what your property is worth and whether it’s time to sell or buy. Contact May Ho Realty to get a FREE comparative analysis of your home and similar properties that have sold recently in your area. Our real estate professional will use this information to estimate the fair market value of your property.